Friday, May 8, 2015

Enervit Pre Sport

You can probably guess I was a little sceptical about some of the Enervit products I received last week. Not only with regards to the taste, but how effective they were.

Well, I decided to try them out anyway.

Currently, every Tuesday and Thursday I see patients at Physio Solutions. I'll take a bus there and then run home. I brought 2 packets of the Enervit Pre Sport jelly with me to work yesterday. Ate a packet around 1230 pm. The cola taste didn't taste that great though.Was feeling fairly tired (maybe mentally more than physically) after I saw a full load of patients.

Surprise, surprise. Almost immediately after I started running I felt good. Much better actually than I felt when I ran home from work before. I've been running home from Physio Solutions for almost a year now.

I don't keep a training log anymore - not since I stopped racing anyway. But I do still remember the timings I usually take for my run home. Usually varies between 36-39 minutes. My run yesterday was my 2nd fastest since I'd been running home from May last year.

Now, I thought a lot about it before I decided to write this post. I do not want to be seen "promoting" Enervit products just because I got them free.

In my run home yesterday, I kept everything else consistent, running shoes, running attire, music etc. The only difference was I consumed a packet of Enervit Pre Sport about 4 hours before my run. I had a fairly decent run, timing was good and the run felt pretty effortless. Could it really be attributed to the Enervit Pre Sport?

Well, I'll have to try it again next week......

I'll also try the Enervitene Sport Competition gel on this Saturday's bike ride too.

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